COMMISSIONS reopen! POINT AND MONEY commissions!

21 min read

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ARVEN92's avatar
Hello there everybody! Here I am, back again to tell you that


You can pay in either currency, and although I'd rather prefer money payments, I accept points too.

MONEY commissions are evaluated in USD (United States Dollars), but you can also pay in the equivalent EUROS. I calculated the price basing on 80 points = 1 USD. The prices are equal this way :)

I accept Money transfer via PAYPAL service. Official Paypal site:

ABOUT SHIPPING: If you want me to ship your picture (to anywhere really), you will be asked to pay EXTRA POINTS for the shipment. I'm sorry to do this, but shipping costs quite a bunch. Multiply it by all the people who I commission, and that makes a LOT.

Anywho, if you want your picturre shipped, it will cost 240 more points. If you have ordered more than one commission, the price of the next commission shipping will be halved from the previous one. Example: you ordered three commissions and you want them shipped. You pay: 240 points (first picture) + 120 points (second picture) + 60 points (third picture)= 420 points total.

So here are the commission kinds! 8D Please leave a comment or a note telling me which one you'd like :)

:iconstopplz: :new::new::new:If you want to commission me, PLEASE READ MY TERMS AND POLICIES:… and please, +FAVOURITE THAT JOURNAL so I'll know that you agree with them. Thank you :) :new::new::new:


I usually work with my trusty 120 Caran d'Ache coloured pencils. If you want your picture done in a medium different from that, note me and we can make arrangements.


***** Please notice I DO NOT consider ANTHROS to be animals! If you want me to draw Anthros, read further in the ANTHROS section, thanks!

Black and white commissions:

Sketch of a character
Example: Kovuka Sketch Commission by ARVEN92
A nice and clean sketch of a character you choose, and which you're free to use and colour.
80 points for only character + 50 points for sketched background + 50 points for additional char(s)
1 USD for only character + 0,60 USD for sketched background + 0,60 USD  for additional char(s)

Lineart of a character
Example: Kuma Lineart -Free To Use by ARVEN92
Neat lineart of a character of your choosing. As for the sketch, you're free to use it.
110 points for only character + 80 points for linearted background + 80 points for additional char(s)
1,40 USD for only character + 1 USD for linearted background + 1 USD for additional char(s)

Coloured commissions:

-1 Character without background
Example: His Majesty by ARVEN92
Simple drawing of one or more characters, with no additional background
160 points + 90 points for additional char(s) + 80 points for wings!
2 USD + 1,10 USD for additional char(s) + 1 USD for wings!

-1 Character with partial background
Example: Shu by ARVEN92
A nice drawing of a character you choose with a small background around it.
200 points + 100 points for additional char(s) + 90 points for wings!
2,50 USD + 1,25 USD for additional char(s) + 1,10 USD for wings!

-1 Character with block background
Example: .:Somersault:. by ARVEN92
A drawing of a character you choose with a background distributed in blocks.
250 points + 120 points for additional char(s) + 90 points for wings!
3,10 USD + 1,50 USD for additional char(s) + 1,10 USD for wings!

-1 Character with full background
Example: Reach For The Light by ARVEN92
Full A4 drawing of a character you choose, with a complete and colourful background, occupying the entire paper.
320 points + 180 points for additional char(s) + 160 points for wings!
4 USD + 2,25 USD for additional char(s) + 2 USD for wings!

Example: Kozel Loves You by ARVEN92
A drawing of just the head of your character, with no background, that enhances the details to maximum.
160 points only ONE character (no additional characters allowed) + 100 points for details (horns, scars, scales, rings, etc.)
2 USD only ONE character (no additional characters allowed) +  1,25 USD for details (horns, scars, scales, rings, etc.)

-Sticker-size commission
Example: Chakra Group Sticker Set by ARVEN92  
A group of nice and colourful sticker-sized characters for you!
120 points for 1 character + 80 points for additional char(s) + 80 points for wings!
1,50 USD for 1 character + 1 USD for additional char(s) + 1 USD for wings!

-Chibi commission
Example: Still Wanna Punish Me? :3 by ARVEN92   Love Takes Two by ARVEN92  
A cute, cuddly version of your character! Sweet^^
120 points for 1 character + 80 for additional char(s) + 80 points for wings!
1,50 USD for 1 character + 1 USD for additional char(s) + 1 USD for wings!

Example: The Cutest Couple by ARVEN92  
A nice looking paperchild of your character. It can stand!
260 points ONLY 1 character  + 140 points for wings!
3,25 USD ONLY 1 character  + 1,75 USD for wings!
500 points for TWO characters on the SAME paperchild + 140 points for wings!
6,25 points for TWO characters on the SAME paperchild + 1,75 USD for wings!

-Comic cover
Example: Chakra -B.O.T. Chapter 1 Cover by ARVEN92
The cover of your personal comic, featuring the characters you want to be in (any number you want), title and if you want, a little advertisement or a subtitle.
800 points, full of title & owner's characters.
10 USD, full of title & owner's characters.

-Realistic character
Example: Realistic by ARVEN92
Drawing of a character of your choosing in realistic style
500 points for 1 character + 230 points for additional char(s) + 560 points for realistic background + 200 points for wings!
6,25 USD for 1 character 2,90 USD for additional char(s) + 7 USD for realistic background + 2,50 USD for wings!

-Okami style
Example: Okami Fox by ARVEN92
Drawing of a character of your choosing in Okami style
220 points + 110 points for additional char(s) +260 points for Okami background (or special paper) + 90 points for wings!
2,75 USD + 1,40 USD for additional char(s) + 3,25 USD for Okami background (or special paper) + 1,10 USD for wings!

-Ginga style
Example: Kiba Togetta Kyuui Cover by ARVEN92   
Drawing of a character of your choosing in Ginga style
160 points + 90 points for additional char(s) + 160 points for background + 90 points for wings!
2 USD + 1,10 USD for additional char(s) + 2 USD points for wings!

-Creation of a character
I create a brand new character for you!
270 points
3,40 USD

-Reference sheet of a character
Example: C.Y. New Character Sheet by ARVEN92
Full reference sheet of your character with colour palette and background story*
250 points
3,10 USD

-Reference of a species
Example: Lunkross Species Sheet by ARVEN92
Full reference of a species you invented*
1'200 points
15 USD

-Small comic -1 page
Example: Chakra -B.O.T. Page 6 REDONE by ARVEN92
1 page of a comic featuring your character(s), with or without a background.
35 USD for 6 panels + 20 USD for backgrounds in all panels.
If you want more than six panels, contact me and we can come to an arrangement for the price.

Special Paper commissions:

-Golden Marble Paper drawing of a character without background
Example: Happy Birthday Aspi-Galou! by ARVEN92
Picture of a character with a beautiful A4 Golden Marble-textured background (few sheets left!)
320 points + 140 points for additional character + 110 points for wings!
4 USD + 1,75 USD for additional character + 1,40 USD for wings!

-Black Paper drawing of a character without background
Example: Shine In The Darkness by ARVEN92  
Beautiful portrait of a character on plan A4 black paper. Shiny!  
240 points + 120 points for additional char(s) + 100 points for wings!
3 USD + 1,50 USD for additional char(s) + 1,25 USD for wings!

-White pencil on black paper commission
Example: Rain by ARVEN92
Special commission that enhances the shininess of a character by just using a plan white pancil on black paper.
220 points + 100 points for additional char(s) + 150 points for partial background+ 100 points for wings!
2,75 USD + 1,25 USD for additional char(s) + 1,90 USD for partial background + 1,25 USD for wings!

-Ivory Paper drawing of a character without background
Example: Chakra Group On Ancient Scroll by ARVEN92   
Drawing of a character on a nice, soft A4 ivory coloured paper!
260 points + 130 points for additional char(s) + 110 points for wings!
3,25 USD + 1,60 USD for additional char(s) + 1,40 USD for wings!

Brown Paper commissions:

Meet Brownie, The brown sketchbook!  
This little A5 sized sketchbook can give you great feelings that are twice, and even three times its size!

-Character with brown background
Example: Twinkly Lednacek by ARVEN92
Simple drawing of a coloured character with a minimally coloured background on brown paper.
120 points /only ONE character + 90 points for additional chars + 50 points for name next to it + 80 points for wings!
1,50 USD /only ONE character + 1,10 USD for additional chars+ 0,60 USD for name next to it + 1 USD for wings!

Example: Creepy Smile, Jackal BD by ARVEN92
Drawing of just the head of a character, with brown background
140 points + 50 points for additional Japanese name next to it +  90 points for details (horns, scars, scales, rings, etc.)
1,75 USD + 0,60 USD for additional Japanese name next to it  + 1,10 USD for details (horns, scars, scales, rings, etc.)

Example: Chakra Stickers 2 by ARVEN92   
Collection of nice sticker-sized character(s) of your choosing, with beautiful brown background!
110 points for 1 character + 80 points for additional char(s)  + 80 points for wings!
1,40 USD for 1 character + 1 USD for additional char(s)  + 1 USD for wings!

-Full drawing of character with background
Example: Fall by ARVEN92  
Drawing of a character of your choosing with a full coloured background.
Don't worry if you won't see the brown paper under it, I will exploit its shininess and apply it to your picture! Thing I would never be able to do on an ordinary white paper…  
200 points + 100 points for additional char(s)  + 100 points for wings!
2,50 USD for 1 character + 1,25 USD for additional char(s)  + 1,25 USD for wings!

*You need to give me the information you want to be in the reference. I'm not going to invent them!  



Okay, the anthro animals cost more, I know. The fact is, I really don't like drawing human-ish anatomy… It takes me quite a lot of time to come up with decent poses and proportions, so yeah. And YES, Anthros are actually humand with animal heads. Their body anatomy is exactly the same as the human one.

Black and White commissions

Sketch of a character:
100 points + 60 points for additional char(s)
1,25 USD + 0,75 USD for additional char(s)

Lineart of a character
150 points for only char + 80 more points for linearted background + 90 points for additional char(s)
1,90 USD for only char + 1 USD points for linearted background + 1,10 USD for additional char(s)

Coloured commissions:

-1 Character without background
200 points + 100 points for additional char(s)  + 90 points for wings!
2,50 USD + 1,25 USD for additional char(s)  + 1,10 USD for wings!

-1 Character with background
380 points + 160 points for additional char(s)  + 110 points for wings!
4,75 USD + 2 USD for additional char(s)  + 1,40 USD for wings!

-Sticker commission
130 points for 1 character + 90 for additional char(s)  + 90 points for wings!
1,65 USD for 1 character + 1,10 USD for additional char(s)  + 1,10 USD for wings!

-Creation of a character
I create a brand new character for you!
350 points
4,40 USD

-Reference sheet of a character
Full reference sheet with colours and background
370 points
4,60 USD

-Small comic -1 page
50 USD + 22,50 USD for backgrounds in all panels

Special Paper commissions:

-Golden Marble Paper drawing of a character without background
Picture of a character with a beautiful Golden Marble background (few sheets left!)
550 points + 290 points for additional character  + 230 points for wings!
6,90 USD + 3,60 USD for additional character  + 2,90 USD for wings!

-Black Paper drawing of a character without background
300 points + 190 points for additional char(s)  + 130 points for wings!
3,75 USD + 2,40 USD for additional character  + 1,65 USD for wings!

-Ivory Paper drawing of a character without background
340 points + 220 points for additional char(s)  + 190 points for wings!
4,25 USD + 2,75 USD for additional character  + 2,40 for wings!

Brown Paper commissions:

-Character with brown background
170 points /only ONE character + 50 point for name next to it   + 100 points for wings!
2,10 USD /only ONE character 0,60 USD for name next to it   + 1,25 USD for wings!

Drawing of just the head of a character
190 points + 50 point for additional Japanese name next to it
2,40 USD + 0,60 USD for additional Japanese name next to it

140 points for 1 character + 90 points for additional char(s)  + 90 points for wings!
1,75 USD for 1 character + 1,10 USD for additional character  + 1,10 USD for wings!

-Full drawing of character with background
260 points + 120 points for additional char(s)  + 120 points for wings!
3,25 USD + 1,50 USD for additional character  + 1,50 USD for wings!


I can use Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint tool SAI, MS Paint and many more programs!

All kinds of commissions are available, but they will cost you 800 points (10 USD) more than normal (Except for Sketches and Linearts, which will cost the same). Sorry about that, but I don't really like drawing digitally ^^;

Soooo this is it :) Please tell me what you think of it, and feel free to make your order! :D

Thank you again,

© 2012 - 2024 ARVEN92
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Dakaido's avatar
Are those open? :)